Category Archives: Brand positioning

Applying the “Mere Exposure Effect” to Your Business

Have you ever noticed that you naturally gravitate towards certain brands, perhaps without even questioning why? Or that certain songs start to sound more pleasant after several listens? This phenomenon, known as the “Mere Exposure Effect”, can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to strengthen their brand. The “Mere Exposure Effect” was first identified […]

The Strategic Value of Changing a Brand Name: Why and How to Implement?

Changing the name of a company is a significant and pivotal decision. At Cubic Mill, we’ve guided numerous businesses through this transformative process, and we understand the potential impact of executing it effectively. This guide delves into the intricacies of changing a business name, the potential advantages, and strategies to address potential challenges. Roadmap to […]

Harnessing AI: From Theory to Tangible Impact

Een robot die AI-marketing doet achter een laptop die een website toont

Welcome to the Cubic Mill blog! In the era of technological evolution, one term consistently stands out: Artificial Intelligence (AI). Let’s take a closer look at how this technology is transforming the world of advertising and marketing. What Exactly is AI? Artificial Intelligence, often simply referred to as AI, is a broad field within computer […]

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